Cookie Policy
The site uses some cookies to make its services easier to access and use efficiently the company’s web pages efficiently. The cookies used also make it possible to improve the service provided to users, making its use more effective and/or cancelling certain features.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a textual element that is inserted into the hard disk of a computer or other device by the service provider online to website visitors. Cookies can collect information on visitor habits regarding the use of the website, recording the activities of their computer or other device of the site, for example when it comes to making purchases.
The Types of cookies:
Cookies can be classified according to the subject who acts as data controller of the personal data collected through the cookie, separated between first-party cookies, generated directly by the manager of the site visited dalby the user and third-party cookies, which are installed from different domains other than the one indicated in the navigation bar. A site may contain elements sent to the device by a third party through the site user is visiting (images, maps, sound, links, etc.)
Cookies can be distinguished according to the purposes:
- Technical cookies: the technical cookies are used for the purpose of optimizing user navigation on the site, site manager, to provide the user with the requested services. The technical cookies are distinguished in navigation cookies, functionality cookies e analytical cookies. In particular:
1. The navigation cookies are essential to offer an optimal experience to the user on the site. They are normally session cookies, therefor, once the browser is closed, are deleted.
2. The functionality cookies are used for the purpose of memorizing some user preferences (for example, the language or country), without having to reset them during visits. They are often persistent cookies, as they remain stored in the device even after navigation, until their expiration date or until. - Analytics cookies: are used to collect statistical information, anonymously and in aggregate form, on the number of users who access the site and on the relative methods of use and interaction. It used for the purpose of optimizing the site directly from the owner who will be able to collect information in aggregate form on the number of users and how they visit the site, this typology is equivalented by the technical cookies.
- Profiling cookies: they create profiles related to the user to trace their behaviour and they are used in order to offer services such as sending online advertising messages according to the preferences expressed by the same area of surfing on the web.
The site uses the following types of cookies:
Google (2)
This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and robots. This is useful for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of the site.
Expiration: Persistent Type: HTML
This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and robots.
Expiration: Session. Type: HTML (1)
Preserves user states across different pages of the site.
Expiration: Session. Type: HTTP
Block/Restrict cookies:
The cookies can be disabled or removed using the tools available in most browsers. The cookies preferences must be set separately for each browser used, as each of them offers specific features and options.
The link explaining how to disable cookies for the most popular browsers are provided below (for other browsers that may be used, we suggest looking for this option in the software help).
- Internet Explorer:
- Google Chrome:
- Mozilla Firefox:
- Opera:
- Apple Safari:
To restrict cookies on any other browser or on a mobile device, visit the official web page of the device or browser manufacturer or consult the corresponding documentation provided.
For more information on cookies and their use, visit:
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